Soutok Moravy a Dyje

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Miklín, J., Sebek, P., Hauck, D., Konvicka, O. & Cizek, L. (2018): Past levels of canopy closure affect the occurrence of veteran trees and flagship saproxylic beetles. Diversity and Distributions, 24(2): 208–218. doi:10.1111/ddi.12670

Miklín, J., Hauck, D., Konvička, O. & Čížek, L. (2017): Veteran trees and saproxylic insects in the floodplains of lower Morava and Dyje rivers, Czech Republic. Journal of Maps, 13(2): 291-299. doi:10.1080/17445647.2017.1300785

Miklín, J. & Hradecký, J. (2016): Změny struktury krajiny v oblasti soutoku Moravy a Dyje. Geografie, 121(3): 368–389.

Miklín, J. & Čížek, L. (2014): Erasing a European biodiversity hot-spot: Open woodlands, veteran trees and mature forests succumb to forestry intensification, logging, and succession in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Journal for Nature Conservation, 22(1): 35-41. doi:10.1016/j.jnc.2013.08.002

Miklín, J. & Čížek, L. (2017): Otevřené lesy a vzácné druhy – ohrožené dědictví minulosti. Geografické rozhledy, 26(3): 24-25. PDF